wiMediaBox Component

The Mediabox directive allows you to integrate several media-types into your dashboard:

  • A Webpage
  • A Video
Other media-types are possible (Html, Markdown, BB-Code, Images, etc.), let me know, if they are needed.

Basic Example


results into


General Options

Property Type Description
type String Type of the MediaBox, can be one of the following types: webpage, video
width Integer Width of the MediaBox, if not defined the width of the element will be taken. (Default: 100%)
height Integer Height of the MediaBox, if not defined the height of the element will be taken. (Default: 100%)

Type Webpage

Property Type Description
type String Should be webpage
url String Url of the web page (including http:// or https://).
scrolling String One of the following values:

auto: Scrollbars appear if needed (this is default)
yes: Scrollbars are always shown (even if they are not needed)
no: Scrollbars are never shown (even if they are needed)
prevent-interaction Boolean If true the user will not be able to interact with the web page.

(Default: true)
interaction-message Boolean Defines whether the a message (defined in interaction-message-text) should displayed when the user tries to interact with the web page.

(Default: true)
interaction-message-text String Interaction Message.

(Default: 'Interaction is disabled')

Type Video

Note: Type Video is still experimental.
Property Type Description
type String Should be video
url String Url of the video, e.g. http://video-js.zencoder.com/oceans-clip.mp4
autoplay Boolean If autoplay is true, the video will start playing as soon as page is loaded.

(Default: false)
Note: Additional options are to be added here ...